

Namu Myoho Renge Kyo,,,,,



その他、日本国内はもちろんですが、世界中から続々とメッセージが届いています。その文面に、必ず「 Namu Myoho Renge Kyo,,,,, 」と。その全ての言葉が、被災した方々への祈りに満ちています(涙)。


南無妙法蓮華経 ( Namu Myoho Renge Kyo,,,,, )

「Dear Odoshi Nagamatsu,

Nam Myohorengekyo.

I am very saddened by the terrible earthquake that struck the Japan. I was at the hospital for the
treatments when I heard the news.

I will pray the Gohonzon and I'll burn incense for the victims. I'm worried about you and your family but I hope that you are well ...

I am neighbor to you in this difficult moment.

Nam Myohorengekyo,
Nam Myohorengekyo,
Nam Myohorengekyo.」

「NAM MYO HO RENGE KYO ....................

Rev. Nagamatsu,

I heard a Tsunami from your country. We tried to contact you to your mobile phone. But we couldn't
get that. Now My husband with me here these days. How ever, I know you and your members will protect by Shakyamuni Buddha. You always chanting for us and we chanting to all of you. I remembered in nice city Tokyo when we were there. We will chant to you and your country people.

NAM MYO HO RENGE KYO .................」

「Our Deepest Sympathies.

Dear Reveron Nagamatsu,

We are aware of the disaster Japan has faced and it's consequences. My deepest sympathies about the situation. We will pray for the recovering of Japan and the people there.

It was unexpectedly shocking. We hope everyone is on the safe side :) and we pray for Japan to be safe :) And we pray for th best to happen to you all :) May the blessing always live in the warm-hearted Japanese people !」

「Dear Nagamatsu Odoshi,

I must give you thanks for the response regarding my request. I deepest sorrow for the incident which happened few days ago.I wish that there will not be any trouble for the HBS members. They will
be protected by the Load Buddha. I wish that there will not be any trouble for the all HBS members
including you. I wish to see you soon.Budu Saranay.

Faithfully, 」

「Dear Odoshi

We have been in Florence the last four days and while we were there, we heard about the terrible earthquake in Japan.

Maki Fukuoka's husband told us that you are not in danger, and that an HBS Temple in the north has
been damaged.

We are all praying for you and for all the victims of this tragedy and continuously pay attention to the news about the nuclear plants.

I am writing to you on behalf of Ryosei shi and all the Italian HBS members: would you please let us
know more details, so that we can send you our prayers?

Best regards.

Namu Myoho Renge Kyo」

「Dear Reverend Sir ,
Reverend Nagamatsu,

We are very sad about Tsunami desaster in japan. We express our sympathy to victims of Tsunami and
also those who passed away.

I believe you are protect by Gohonzon Sama and I am always pray for you when we are chanting.

Thank you reverend sir. I wish long life for you and people in Japan.


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