
Daily reports from Nepal

We receive daily reports from Nepal.  There is power in that beautiful picture.  Photos carry powerful messages and fragrant scents.  I am proud of their dedication.  

Sometimes people are deceived by their own malice and desires.  Sometimes people blame others for their own sins.  They affirm themselves and criticize others only.  Such people do not recognize diversity and cling to biased ideas.  He doesn't get close to universal values ​​and ideas, and even hates them.  

Unfortunately, the most dangerous human being is himself.  Gods, Buddhas, demons and devils all coexist within the human mind.  The Buddha saw it as human potential, danger, and folly.  When man is enlightened, he becomes a Buddha, and when he is confused, he becomes stupider and more dangerous than animals.  

We are learning the wonderful teachings of the Buddha who was born in Nepal.  It is universal anthropology.  

We envy you who are active in the beautiful nature of Nepal.  Because that is the most honorable thing to do.

Namu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo 

Arigatou gozaimasu 

Seijun Nagamatsu

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杉野宣雄先生の企画展が終了し、図録も大好評をいただき感激しています。 杉野宣雄先生は京都佛立ミュージアムに見事な作品十数点を寄贈くださいました。今後数百年にわたり大切にしたいと思っています。 これらの素晴らしい作品をミュージアムの倉庫にしまっておくだけではもったいないので、貸出契...