





Dear Rev.Nagamatsu,

Thank you very much for chanting for our health.
I got well few days ago. Sorry for the delay to reply you.
Now Madawa is also very well. We all had a severe fever last week.
But thanks for Gohonzon sama, we all got well soon.
I couldn't tell you this earlier because I was not well last week.
We had a youth assembly last Sunday.
About 50 young members participated. Both from Galle area and other areas.
We had that programme in Mr. Kasun's parent's place which was in Galle.
In the morning at about 10 o'clock we started the programme with Odaimoku chanting.
Then we conducted a breathing exercise for the young members. In that breathing exercise we chanted Odaimoku first very slowly taking deep breaths.
Then little by little we increased the speed of chanting and took breaths fastly according to the Odaimoku rhythm.
In the end we had a very relaxed feeling. Then we set the young members in little groups.
Such as five members for a group.
So that they can discuss their matters in that group and they can make friends.
This programme also went successfully. In the end everyone had got good friends with others.After the lunch we all went to the sea beach and spent the evening happily.
That's how the programme went.
I think it was successful.
Because at the end every young member was very strongly encouraged.

I got well miraculously before this function so that I was able to conduct it.
I think it is too long.
So I remain here,
Namu Myo Ho Renge Kyo.....

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