
International Oko Meeting


Arigatou gozaimasu.

The International Oko meeting will be conducted from 7pm Japan time. 

Today's Odoshi is Rev. Seigyo Correia. International Oko is held every month and it is conducted entirely in English. 

International members from Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Brazil and Australia are participating. 

Although there is a time difference, they are calling for the participation of HBS members from the United States and around the world. 

If you would like to participate, please send us a message. They will send you the URL of the International Oko meeting. 

We are waiting for your participation.

Namu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo,,,,,


Seijun Nagamatsu


The message from Rev. Seigyo Correia is as follows:

Tonight at 19:00 Japan time we will hold the international okou.

This month is Nepal , so I conduct the okou from Myoshinji temple..

Today in specially we will do together with Brazilian group , so hopefully will be a lot of members from all around the world. Let's invite all members, family and friends to participate together.

We are so sorry for the members from America side , hopefully next month we will manage two okou per month to be easy access for everyone , by changing time .

Let's take this great opportunity to share our experience with each other's 🙏



Correia Seigyou

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