
Message of condolence


Message of condolence, the occasion of Mr. Wickramasinghe's funeral,

I receive the news of his death, and am holding the attention of the sorrow of parting.
I want to declare to the Gohonzon, he was a person who believes and practices on the teaching of the Lotus Sutra from which Buddha preached in his latest years.
I want to send the merit of the Odaimoku to his soul.
I wrote a letter for restfully of his soul from Japan.
I know he had been holding the sickness for many years.
However, the Odaimoku treated his sickness many times.
He had a narrow escape from death many times by grace of Odaimoku.
He proved the power of the Odaimoku.
Nichiren Shonin was quoted from mahaaparinirvaaNasuutra, Mahaaparinibbaana-suttanta, and he wrote " Buddha was declare that the sick person sure to become the Buddha. Because the desire for truth is brought by the sickness."
I am convinced that Mr. Wickramasinghe obtained the belief of the truth by getting over a painful sickness.

Moreover, there were in the sutra "Because people become the sicknesses, the Bodhisattva becomes a sickness, too. "

We should learn to Mr. Wickramasinghe overcame the sickness by Odaimoku.
Nobody escapes aging, the sickness, and the death.
It is a road that cannot pass when everyone avoids it.
It is only the true buddhism and the Odaimoku are surmountable from that suffering.
Odaimoku certainly overcomes people's suffering.
Mr. Wickramasinghe taught us variety.
He washed bad karma at this life.
I hope to reproduce in this world as his body is healthy again.
And, I want to Bodhisattva work with him for the peace of the world.
I praise his distinguished services.
Please carry on his will.
That is True Bodhisattva way.

Namu Myoho Renge Kyo,,,,,
Namu Myoho Renge Kyo,,,,,
Namu Myoho Renge Kyo,,,,,

Seijun Nagamatsu,

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