
From your bro, Seijun Nagamatsu,

Dear My beloved sister Raji,

I can't any words.
How can I tell to Gohonzon and you about my appreciate.

From Sri Lanka, I called to you in Shantha's house.
At that time, I told you.
"If you get any bad information or result, I am going to Canada."
In fact, I am really considering my trip for your side in Canada.

Anyway, I and my mother were praying for disappear of your any problem.
Now your heart fear is removed. You got clear result from 2 doc.
I am so so so happy, my sister!!!

I am sure that this is the benefit and miracle from Odaimoku, Gohonzon and our love for you.

Please don't forget. You are the special person for us. I believe that you have a special mission of Fine Dharma.
Surely, just your existence, that always encourage me and a lot of Bodhisattvas of the Lotus Sutra.

I know that our life is not infinity. But please take care about yourself, and please stay more beside us.

Sorry my poor English,
But please feel my heart.

Namu Myoho Renge Kyo,,,,

Seijun Nagamatsu,

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