
To Dear all members of HBS Nepal

Dear all members of HBS Nepal,


I send very excellent priests and member to Nepal.

Seiju Iwasawa and Seishin Tsutsumi visits Nepal for the first time. They wanted it themselves. And Naokazu Kurosaki is also first time.

Seiju Iwasawa has been awarded Fuji-Aword, the highest chapter of the Scout Association of Japan. Seishin Tsutsumi is a young monk responsible for part of the Myoshinji.

Naokazu Kurosaki is the husband of the famous Toshiko-san. He is a talented designer and a legendary boy scout leader. He built a tree house in the forest of Myoshinji with his high technology. He also worked for Sri Lanka HBS. He volunteers and goes to Nepal.

I am convinced that their visit is a valuable opportunity to learn the precious Dharma and the right way to practice.

Please participate as many as you can.

Let you grow stronger in your faith and get various great benefits.

Namu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo,,,


Seijun Nagamatsu,

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いよいよ「今年最後」のご奉公が続き、「よいお年を」というご挨拶をさせていただくようになりました。 今年最後の教区御講を終えた日曜日の夕方、横浜ランドマークタワーのスタジオで白井貴子さんをゲストにお迎えしてラジオの収録を行いました。ずっと聴いていたいほど大切なお話が盛りだくさん。 ...