
13 years ago, I was in a refugee camp

13 years ago, I was in a refugee camp in Sri Lanka.

There were 70,000 tents for people who lost their homes in the civil war. Tents were lined up one after another. People drying laundry on barbed wire and children playing. I was truly speechless.

We visited a refugee camp called Settikulam, sector 2, located in northern Sri Lanka. We entered the camp after being informed in advance that there were members of the extremist group LTTE and their families in the camp.

Terrorism, war, history, ethnicity, religion. Face a dauntingly huge problem. we have to overcome these.

"Hello" in Tamil is "madhiya vanakkam". As I handed the toys to the children, tears welled up when I thought of the harsh days they had gone through.

I gave a small seminar at a vocational school in a refugee camp. I was impressed that some people were taking notes.

Lots of nostalgic photos from 13 years ago. Now Anju is working in Japan, and Dasun is working for us in Sri Lanka and India. They are true primordial Buddhists who can be seen anywhere in the world.

Next year, Sri Lanka will celebrate the 25th anniversary of HBS. The Gohoukou that we have accumulated has steadily taken root and become an essential part of their lives.

Now, the world is about to plunge into an era of war again. You should be aware that you have already entered such a phase and be prepared. Don't panic when the time comes.

Think globally, Act locally.

Today as well, where you are, let's live there to the fullest. live life to the fullest.

World peace made by one person. World peace comes from one person. If one person changes, the world also changes. The world changes because one person changes. Let's change for the better.


"If you change your enjoyment and imitate a wise man, you'll hate all fool does."

Now is the time to update your values.

Namu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo,,,

Arigatou gozaimasu.





タミル語の「こんにちわ」は「madhiya vanakkam(マディヤ ワナッカム)」。子どもたちにおもちゃを手渡しながら、彼らが経験してきた過酷な日々を思うと涙が溢れてきました。





Think globally, Act locally.




「たのしみをかへてかしこのまねしたら あほのすることみないやになり」




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