
Vivid Women of Primitive and Mahayana Buddhism by Dr. Masatoshi Ueki No...

In these days, surveying globally, we find discrimination against women became serious problem. And generally speaking, some people might think that religions have a tendency towards predominance of men over women. However, in order to dispel suh a suspicion, we could interview Dr. Masatoshi Ueki who studies the thought of Early Buddhism and the Lotus Sutra. 

The books written and translated by Dr. Ueki
“Overcoming Discrimination — The View of the Human in the Early Buddhism and the Lotus Sutra,” Publication of doctoral dissertation, Kōdansha, 2018, Tōkyō.
“100 Stories about Buddhism for Living in the Present Time,” Heibonsha, 2019, Tōkyō.
“The Lotus Sutra — Translation into Modern Language of a Sanskrit Original,” volumes 1 and 2, Iwanami-shoten, 2015, Tōkyō.
“Therī-gāthā — Immortal Poems of Early Buddhist Nuns,” KADOKAWA, 2017, Tōkyō.
And many others.
Recorded on August 15, 2022.

#LotusSutra #植木雅俊 #法華経 #SDGs #ジェンダー #普遍思想

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