

 ロッコ ブランディ(イタリア在住) 34歳です。私はちょうど20歳の時に日蓮聖人の教えに出会い、3年前にイタリアで本門佛立宗に入信させていただきました。御題目口唱と御講に参加させていただいたおかげで現実に向き合う勇気をいただきました。
 今日、世界中の人々の暮らしの中で急進的な変化が必要とされていると懸念されています。そうした中、人々は様々なかたちで互いに影響を受けています。しかし、真の安定と恒久性を持った変化とは、政治的な活動や経済政策から生まれて来るものではありません。「世界の平和(Global peace)」とは、外から押し付けられるものではなく、“人間”によってもたらされなければなりません。なぜなら、あらゆる不安の始まりは人間の心の中に存在するからなのです。「世界の平和(Global peace)」は、多くの「個の平和(local peace)」が積み重なってこそ、ゆるぎないものとなります。
 「個の平和(local peace)」とは、真っ直ぐに人生を見つめ、心と魂を磨き、他の人々を大切にして生きる、と決めた一人の人間によってもたらされます。世界中のどこであろうと、そこに法華経(Lotus Sutra)のご信心をされる男女がいて、御題目を唱えていれば、そこに「個の平和」があります。御法(Dharma)が流布によって、尊い光明が世界全体を覆ってゆきます。これこそ人類を救済するために必要な唯一無二の進むべき道です。
My name is Rocco Brandi and I’m 34 years old. I met the Buddhism of Nichiren Daibosatsu when I was 20 and 3 years ago I joined HBS Italy.
Thanks to the practice of Odaimoku and the attendance of the Oko-meeting I’ve found the courage to see the reality for what it really is. During the youth-time happen to face up to several problems for the very first time. Not always one feels to be able to deal with the difficulties, to have the strength to get over them and to handle the suffering that they carry on. In this case the simplest way that one can act is to turn the head to the other side, seeking refuge in ephemeral and transient pleasure. Otherwise we ignore the sufferings and the troubles of the people next to us. This is an hard sin, because if we make the habit of escaping from problems, without realizing it, we start to avoid also what could be an opportunity to be happy. We couldn’t be able to recognize and catch the occasions that life offers us.
The Buddha teaches us that the very first cause for suffering is “ignorance”, meaning the lack of knowledge (or wrong knowledge) of reality. But we would be very brave to see reality straight in the eyes, it requires a lot of courage and we not always have it. But luckily we have the Gohonzon that allow us to see clearily and give us strength and support in every occasion and allow us to transform what make us suffer and to forge our souls through difficulties, so we can learn how help other people .
Thanks to the lessons of rev. Ryoseishi I’ve learn that the secret for happiness is TAKE CARE of the various aspects of our life: take care of studies or work; take care of our own responsibilities; take care of our own practice and faith ; take care of our family and friends; take care of the member of our community and the the environment in which we live. If we develop this attitude we’ll be able to build day by day a future where all our dreams will be accomplished. If we learn to take care of life, we’ll be able to fully live the present moment, the “here and now”, with no regret for what happened in the past and without anxiety for what could happen in the future.
It’s very important that young people find the courage and the constancy to realize every day their dreams and to support their friends in their path. When we feel that we can’t go ahead, or we lack of strength, then don’t hesitate to abandon ourselves in the sound of Odaimoku, to take refuge in the arms of the spirit of the Buddha that lay in the Gohonzon and to support each other with the member of our community
In all the world it is warned the need of a radical change in the way of live of people, in the way they interact between them and with the environment. But a change that could be stable and lasting can’t come out from policy or economic choices. Peace can’t be imposed, it must be conquered by every single human being, because first of all darkness lays in the heart of people. “Global peace “ could be stable only if it will be the sum of many “local peace”.
A “local peace” is made by a single person who decide to adopt a straight vision of life, to purify his heart and to take care of the people around him. Everywhere there is a man or woman that embrace the Lotus Sutra and invoke the Odaimoku, there can exist a “local peace”. Through the spread of the Dharma this areas of light (the light of Buddha), will cover the entire globe. This is the only concrete path for the salvation of the humankind.

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いよいよ「今年最後」のご奉公が続き、「よいお年を」というご挨拶をさせていただくようになりました。 今年最後の教区御講を終えた日曜日の夕方、横浜ランドマークタワーのスタジオで白井貴子さんをゲストにお迎えしてラジオの収録を行いました。ずっと聴いていたいほど大切なお話が盛りだくさん。 ...