

Dear Vanessa,

I’m so sorry.
It is very regrettable for us.

In my temple, a lot of members were starting the rogation for him.
However, I don’t believe that our effort was in vain We did not to no purpose.
We had the edge with him. It is the edge of the Finest Dharma.
I’m sure that the force of fine Dharma has reached him.

I would like to say the reward to you and your brother.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo,,,,,

And, you must chant Odaimoku at his ceremony.
I will hold small memorial service for his soul.
We pray that by the meritorious power for the fine Dharma. I’m sure that his soul obtain the benefit of fine Dharma.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo,,,,,,

Yours in the Finest Dharma,

Seijun Nagamatsu,

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